Same Sex Unions In Premodern Europe

Małżeństwo osób tej samej płci, małżeństwo homoseksualne, równość małżeństw (ang. marriage equality) lub małżeństwo jednopłciowe (ang.

بخشی‌از: همجنس‌گرایی زنانه, مردانه, دوجنسگرایی و تراجنسیتی (دگرباشی جنسی)

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Same-sex marriage, also known as gay marriage, is marriage between people of the same sex, either as a secular civil ceremony or in a religious setting.

In Medieval Europe, attitudes toward homosexuality varied by era and region. Generally, by at least the twelfth century, homosexuality was considered sodomy and was

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This page indexes resources about LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) issues at sacred-texts. This page deals specifically with the subject of LGBT people

Une famille nucléaire est une forme de structure familiale fondée sur la notion de couple, soit un « ensemble de deux personnes liées par une volonté de former

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Collared. By David Rosenfelt. Lawyer Andy Carpenter’s true passion is the Tara Foundation, the rescue organization he

멕시코 : · 나야리트, 멕시코시티, 모렐로스, · 미초아칸, 치와와, 캄페체, · 콜리마, 킨타나로오, 코아우일라,

Rejestrowany związek partnerski, formalny związek partnerski lub związek partnerski – uznany prawnie związek dwóch osób. Istnieje kilka terminów

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“He/she struggles with same-sex attraction.” I’d never heard this phrase until I started working at a church. Come to think of it I still rarely hear it outside

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